Fundus Autofluorescence imaging is an in vivo imaging method for metabolic mapping of naturally or pathologically occurring fluorophores of the ocular fundus.
Fundus Autofluorescence imaging may allow for identification of retinal diseases when these are not otherwise evident.
Metabolic changes at the level of the photoreceptor/RPE complex may not be visualized by other routine imaging techniques such as Fluorescein Angiography in early manifestations of Macular and Retinal Dystrophies.
In early dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration, alterations at the level of the RPE may become visible in areas that appear normal on fundoscopy.
Fundus Autofluorescence is a useful clinical tool for detecting and monitoring a variety of retinal conditions.
It provides a metabolic map of the retina, giving a detailed insight into the disease process that may otherwise remain unseen.
It allows for facilitating earlier treatment and better monitoring of the efficacy.
New forms of interventions such as gene and stem cell therapy are increasingly relying on Fundus Autofluorescence.